Thursday, November 17, 2011

Innocence ..

After a long time.. Guess a year .. Took the brush.. Aditi in my life.. So the journey still continues. It started from the still waters of Venice, then through the green jungle, then through war, through a kitchen, a lady repenting and back to the jungle.. This painting is on a 2ft x 1.5ft canvas.. I tried make the big cat as ferocious as possible.. But failed .. i couldn't take my eyes away from the innocence on his face .. I wish taking him on my lap .. Play with him till the evening.. .. The greatest challenge were his whiskers.. even the thinnest brush was much thicker than his thickest whisker .. With time the innocence goes away.. This painting is just a trial to get it back .. I don't know whether i am able to capture it on my canvas ..

1 comment:

  1. lovely work, lots to learn from u. keep it up. may god bless u.
