Thursday, December 16, 2010


One year had passed .. and this is the state. My 8th Oil Painting. The painting on the biggest canvas available at the stationary shop at Jayanagar. I don't know whether i have done justice to the 3 ft x 2 ft canvas, but i am happy. After the shinings on the utensils, now its the fold on the saree that makes me happy ... Subject is "repent" .. I still repent at many incidents, many decissions in life .. I don't know whether i am able to capture it on the canvas .. !!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Journey Begins ...

This is my 7th painting done on the big canvas. I had given the name "The Journey Begins" .. Lets see where the journey leads to ..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My kitchen ...

This is my latest painting .. It was one of my greatest challenge .. I had to work a lot on the reflections .. .. This painting was done on a 22 inch x 20 inch canvas .. ! Many of my friends told at first glance it looked like a photograph. A pleasant complement. The best parts i feel are the rice drum on the right and the shining of the wooden table (towards the bottom) ..

The Night Life

After leaving the forest i came to a beautiful town .. Lights and reflections everywhere .. This painting was done on a 22 inch x 20 inch canvas ... !!! The Best part of the painting which i like is the light falling on the bricks of the wall of the building on the right.

The forest ...

When the war got over .. I came to a silent forest at night ... This is the first time i had painted a theme related to night.. We need to chose the path where we have light.. This painting is done on a 20 inch x 18 inch canvas .. !!

The War ....

This is my third painting .. A slight diversion from the touch of happiness .. But life is not a buch of happiness, greens and waters... Now its time for war.. Some phases come in life which becomes tough for us to traverse.. But the soldier has overcome everything ... So did i .. !! This painting was done on a 18 inch x 14 inch canvas ... This painting is an inspiration from a picture of war at Sri Lanka...

A touch of paradise ...

This is my second oil painting.. I felt it was a way to paradise .. I can hear the sound of the running water... From my school days i was never an athlete. I needed rest now and then. I kept the bench for that purpose. After rest i had to traverse through the thick forest. This painting was done on a 18 inch x 14 inch canvas..

Back for Good ....

...... From my school days, painting was my passion. During school i played a major role in painting activities, specially in annual exhibitions... And it was a pleasure when people asked "who did that painting??" .. Being a shy boy i always stayed far away from my paintings... into the crowd. When i first joined hostel at sixth standard, on the event of "Bhavan Jayanti" (an hostel celebration day) good painters from our hostel were given the task of painting on invitation cards. My one was selected for inviting the Headmaster of the school. That was the Best award ever...
......After schooling my passion became a past.. After the commencement of my professional life, i thought of starting painting once again.. After 10 years i picked up the brush .. When i held the brush it seemed that i had held the same after 10 hours .. not 10 years .. I had never learnt oil painting ... So i tried the panting on my own .. So the above one is my first oil painting .. Thanks to all my friends who had encouraged and appreciated me. This painting was done on a 18 inch x 14 inch canvas... The empty boats in the painting resembles opportunity.. The greenery above the boats are the encouragements.. The end of the path of the river shows light of hope.. So i couldn't resist myself in starting the journey.. into a tunnel to paradise ....